The most important blessing in our life is anointing of the Holy Spirit (Gal 6:15). If we neglect most important blessing in our life nothing good may take place in our life. There are thirteen benefits of the anointing or infilling of the Holy Spirit.

Our relationship with God and man will be changed. God is our real father (Rom 8:14-17) and mother (Is. 66:13) as it is written in CCC 370- God is neither man or woman but God is both and He is a perfect father and a perfect mother. Others are brothers and sisters in Christ (1Th. 5:1-2). Jesus will become the savior of our life (Acts 4:12) and the Holy Spirit will become the real helper (Jn.15:26).
Jesus is Lord. We will declare that He is Lord (1 Cor. 12:3). Nobody can say that Jesus is Lord except by the power of the Holy Spirit. If you do not declare that Jesus is Lord you may not be saved (Rom. 10:9).
Faith will perform miracles (Mk 16:17-18). You will be able to do the five things mentioned in Mk 16:17-18 for the benefit of all. Even you will move mountains (Mk 11:23).
You will learn the scripture, traditions and Magisterium of the Church without any mistake and difficulty. Anointing will teach you everything that you want to know about your salvation (1 Jn 2:27, Jn 14:26).
You will receive gifts (Is 11:1) fruits (Gal 5:23) and charisms (1 Cor.12:8-12, Ep 4:11). The devil also gives the same charisms and powers like healing and miracles but there are no good fruits with the devil (Gal 5:22-23), but only bad fruits (Gal 5:19-21).
It is easy to love God with all your heart, with all your soul and all your might (Dt.6:5). Then all things work together for the good of those who love God (Rom 8:28).
Your memory will increase. He will remind you of everything that Jesus taught (Jn.14:26).
Aim in life will be given (Mt.16:24-26). To save your soul, take up your cross and follow Christ. Salvation and eternal life will be the main aim of human life.
Forgiveness is easy. You cannot forget the offences but you will remember the offences without pain. Love of God is poured out into our hearts by the Holy Spirit (Rom 5:5). We will be able to love others as God loves them.
Filled with joy and peace. This will be resulted in inner healing. Because Jesus said your sorrows will be turned into joy (Jn.16:20).
Prayer pattern will be changed with varieties. Long prayers will not be monotonous (Rom. 8:26).
Healing and rejuvenation in the Spirit will take place. If healing does not take place, you will get the gift of joyful suffering (2Cor.12:9).
You will be successful in all fields of activities such as business, studies, ministry, family life and profession.

Following is a testimony of a man who came for a day’s retreat. He received the anointing of the Holy Spirit and that anointing resulted in various blessings as he shares in this testimony.
On Mon, Mar 24, 2014 at 2:06 PM, Joseph K Antony <> wrote:
Hello Father Jose Vettiyankal,
Praise the Lord!
My name is Joseph Antony and I attended the retreat along with my wife Latha, held at Velacherry, Chennai, India. At the end of the retreat, I was one of the persons giving a testimony. What I had said was brief, and I would like to add some more aspects.
In the testimony I had said that in the previous retreat held in Anna Nagar ( in November 2013), I was a beaten man facing a) Family problems b) Health problems and c) Business problems. At the end of that retreat, Fr Jose Vettiyankal had assured me that my problems would be solved. My wife and I followed the guidelines as best as we could. I even attempted the spiritual ICU.
Now in this retreat what I testify is that
With respect to my family problems, the long delayed marriage of my elder daughter is proceeding well, we had the engagement function. My second daughter has been very well placed even before she finished her Master's degree.
Due to cancer one of my kidneys had to be removed and some of my liver parameters were not too good. I changed my diet and stopped taking some medicines and behold my parameters are very good now. Praise the lord!
The last time at the retreat, I was wearing a support belt due to severe back ache. Fr Jose had indicated that there were many people who were cured of their back problems. Very skeptically, I claimed it, because there was actually some relief I witnessed during the course of the retreat. Now I am completely cured. I walk around 5 km twice or thrice a week and even take part in mini marathons occasionally. Praise the Lord !
My business was in terrible shape for almost 5 years now. But now, new opportunities are coming up and some seem to be really good.
Thank you father,
Joseph Antony
Kollamkulam, Chennai